Heads of House & Form Tutors
These are the contact details for each of our Heads of House, along with each Form Tutor in that House. There are also contact details for Heads of Year and Form Tutors in the Sixth Form.
Please use these to direct your queries to the most relevant person.
Head of House: Mr S Cliff S.Cliff@brookfieldcs.org.uk
Head of House: Miss L. Ridgeway L.Ridgeway@brookfieldcs.org.uk
Form | Form Tutor | |
Bi1 | Mrs L. Fenwick L.Fenwick@brookfieldcs.org.uk | |
Bi2 | Mrs E. Treves E.Treves@brookfieldcs.org.uk | |
Bi3 | Miss H. Sinclair H.Sinclair@brookfieldcs.org.uk | |
Bi4 | Mr A. Davey A.Davey@brookfieldcs.org.uk | |
Bi5 | Mrs L. Cressey L.Cressey@brookfieldcs.org.uk | |
Bi6 | Miss M. Stephens M.Stephens@brookfieldcs.org.uk | |
Bi7 | Miss E. Lord E.Lord@brookfieldcs.org.uk | |
Head of House: Miss A New A.New@brookfieldcs.org.uk
Form | Form Tutor |
Cu1 | Mr G. Rookwood G.Rookwood@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Cu2 | Miss E Wear E.Wear@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Cu3 | Mrs B. Cooper/Miss G. Louca B.Cooper@brookfieldcs.org.uk / G.Louca@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Cu4 | Mr P. Anderson P.Anderson@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Cu5 | Miss N. Walker N.Walker@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Cu7 | Mr D. Knight D.Knight@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Cu8 | Mrs A. Carter A.Carter@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Head of House: Mr C. Mason C.Mason@brookfieldcs.org.uk
Head of House: Mr C. Greenwood C.Greenwood@brookfieldcs.org.uk
Form | Form Tutor |
Ga1 |
Miss R. Pickering/Mrs N Smith R.Pickering@brookfieldcs.org.uk / N.Smith@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Ga2 | Miss M. Kitt M.Kitt@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Ga3 | Miss A Glossop A.Glossop@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Ga4 | Mr A. Hopkins A.Hopkins@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Ga5 | Mrs C. Waring/Mrs L Adams C.Waring@brookfieldcs.org.uk / L.Adams@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Ga6 | Mr R. Ireland R.Ireland@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Ga7 | Mrs K. Taylor K.Taylor@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Year 13
Head of Year: Mrs S Nash S.Nash@brookfieldcs.org.uk
Form | Form Tutor |
12CEA | Mrs C Ashley / Miss H Johnson C.Ashley@brookfieldcs.org.uk / H.Johnson@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
12CJ | Mr C James C.James@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
12DJ | Miss D Judd D.Judd@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
12DSB | Mrs D Brooker D.Brooker@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
12JMC | Mr J Cameron / Mrs L Adams J.Cameron@brookfieldcs.org.uk / L.Adams@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
12NPD | Mr N Davey N.Davey@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
Year 12
Head of Year: Mr M Ebbage M.Ebbage@brookfieldcs.org.uk
Form | Form Tutor |
13HR |
Mrs H Rippin / Mr W Fallon H.Rippin@brookfieldcs.org.uk / W.Fallon@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
13HEC | Miss H Cooke/ Mrs R Quinn H.Cooke@brookfieldcs.org.uk / R.Quinn@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
13JB | Mrs J Booker J.Booker@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
13KEC | Mrs K Cohen / Mr B Anderson K.Cohen@brookfieldcs.org.uk / B.Anderson@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
13MET |
Mrs M Hopkinson M.Hopkinson@brookfieldcs.org.uk |
13SWA |
Mr S Walsh / Ms M Henson S.Walsh@brookfieldcs.org.uk / M.Henson@brookfieldcs.org.uk |